The group has developped several pieces of free Software. We add here some links.
- NEW: Encoding of legal vagueness in ASP. MATERIAL (mantained by Talissa Dreossi) 2024
- Epistemic Multiagent Reasoning with Collaborative Robots (Soldà, Fabiano, Dovier). VIDEO and ECHO sources
- SAT solver heuristics on GPUs (by Michele Collevati) CILC 2022: Miracle, SATSolverDPLL, microsat.
- Modeling and Solving The Rush Hour Puzzle (Cian, Dreossi, Dovier). CILC 2022. CODES
- Supplementary material (CUDA source code) for the paper {CUDA}: Set Constraints on GPUs by A. Dovier, A. Formisano, E. Pontelli, and F. Tardivo, 2021.
- Supplementary Material for PRICAI 2021 paper “Multi-Agent Epistemic Planning with Inconsistent Beliefs, Trust and Lies” by Fabiano, Burigana, Dovier, Pontelli, and Son.
- ICOSOKU declarative encodings including a visual simulator of the game with a front end to ASP (by Nicola Rizzo), 2021.
- Supplementary Material (ASP code, proofs, etc) for the paper Modelling Multi-Agent Epistemic Planning in ASP. Theory Pract. Log. Program. 20(5): 593-608 (2020).
- A-Machine a Java implementation of the (k-tapes) Turing Machine. By Alessandro Burigana, described in his Bachelor’s Thesis.
Copyright © 2017 Alessandro Burigana – Alcuni Diritti Riservati – Quest’opera è rilasciata ai termini della licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non Commerciale 2.5 Italia (
- NA-Machine a Java implementation of Non determistic Turing Machine (Jar file is multiplatform. exe file is optimized for windows). By Francesco De Martino, described in his Bachelor’s Thesis.
Copyright © 2020 Francesco De Martino – Alcuni Diritti Riservati – Quest’opera è rilasciata ai termini della licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non Commerciale 2.5 Italia (
- CUD@SAT: a sat solver exploiting the CUDA platform.
- Protein Structure Prediction based on Fragment Assembly
- Protein Structure Prediction on Lattice
- Constraint Logic Programming tools for planning
- GELATO: A tool for hybrid optimization
- {log}: Constraint Logic Programming with Sets
- Complete ASP codes presented in the KUIN2018 paper
- Complete ASP (ASP CODE data_mutations_extended_1 data_mutations_extended_2) and PLP codes (PLP CODE) described and used in “Towards a Logic Programming tool for cancer data analysis” by Alice Tarzariol, Eugenia Zanazzo, Agostino Dovier, Alberto Policriti. Rename the two data files as and before unzipping.