Progetto PNRR

Il laboratorio ha ricevuto un cospicuo finanziamento per il Progetto MaPSART, di durata 18 mesi, finanziato a valere sul bando a cascata dello Spoke 2 del Partenariato Esteso “FAIR – Future Artificial Intelligence” (PE00000013) del PNRR, Missione 4, Componente 2, Investimento 1.3. Coordinatore il prof Andrea Formisano.


This research project aims to enhance automated reasoning using GPU technology. It focuses on developing efficient parallel logic solvers, like those for Answer Set Programming (ASP), Satisfiability (SAT), Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT), and Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP). The core objective is to harness the massive parallelism and computational power of GPUs.

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